Select all lines/objects > or < size
(too old to reply)
16 years ago
At work, I have illustrator 13 (a.k.a. CS3 but the whole CS concept has been developed like a bad joke) and I'm given lots of images from engineers that I have to edit for manuals. The entire image is of a machine the size of a small house, and yet the drawing contains every detail of the head of a bolt, for every bolt. No one will even see the light pixel for the bolt on their screen that is made from 30 lines. I need a way to select objects or lines that are less than a certain length so I can delete them in one key stroke. Instead, I have to click, delete, click, delete a thousand times. It can take me 2 days for this. If I'm lucky, I can click + drag an area, but that usually then involves shift clicking all the surrounding things I don't want selected after. One simple feature would save me 2 days of work.

I want a dialog box that lets me choose between selecting objects and or lines that are greater than or less than or equal to a length, and I can pick between points, picas, inches, feet, millimeters, centimeters, meters, or pixels.

And even more cool, would be if a plug in was made of this for AI 13 instead of making me buy another version. Despite the 2 days of work it'll save me, convincing a corporation to spend hundreds of dollars for 1 feature will be a tough sell.
Larry G. Schneider
16 years ago
If you are working on a Mac, here's a script that someone wrote to do just that

property schnibbleSize : 2 --size in points

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
if current document is {} then return
tell current document
set g to every path item whose editable is true and width < schnibbleSize and height < schnibbleSize set selection to g delete selection

end tell
end tell


Cut and paste the above into the Apple Script Editor and save in the Scripts folder of the AI Presets folder.
16 years ago
Something similar in Javascript (therefore cross-platform):

var docRef=activeDocument;
var minLength=prompt("Deselect Paths shorter than:",5);
var currItem=docRef.selection[i];


The script assumes you already have a selection. It then DEselects whatever selected items are not PathItems or have a path length of greater than the minimum specified by the user (in points).

This is a first-off rough. It can be easily altered or elaborated.

16 years ago
Darn. I'm on a PC

Thanks, though
